Jangkar waterfall, Kuching

The water is so clean and fresh that some of us drink it raw from the creek.

This is a typical scene of the beginning trekk through the rocks and creeks that we have to go through for 1.5 hours, sometimes crossing the stream, the rocks, and at times walking through dense jungle undergrowth when the rocks are impossible to climb.

At the lower end of the foothill, the rocks are round shaped and smaller. As we go higher, the boulders become big and sharp edged.

One explannation is this. The forces of water rounded up the small boulders and carry them down to deposit at lower end. The larger boulders are cut by shear force and due to large size, they are difficult to wash down.

As we go higher up, the rocks are part of large plates of formation. At the waterfall itself, the plate is almost whole pieces of unbroken formation.

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